Aviation Audio N°418
Instructions: Listen to this audio. If you need to, you can listen to the audio as many times as you wish so you have a good understanding of all what is said. Once finished, try the questions below. Good luck!
Audio 418
Select 5 of the items below you heard in this audio
5 out of 5 correct
Question 1
Where was the aircraft located when they declared an emergency?
They were a few miles away from the golf cours at five thousand feet
They were over the golf cours at five thousand two hundred feet
They were five miles from golf cours at five thousand two hundred feet
They were over the golf cours at five thousand feet
Question 2
What were the pilots intentions after declaring the emergency?
He had no intentions to land at the airfield at all
His intentions were to land on the i95 however maybe land at airfield
His intentions were to start heading towards the airfield, maybe land i95
His intentions were to start heading towards the i95, hopefully land
Question 3
How much fuel did they have?
They had a quarter of a tank which was about 6 or 7 litres of fuel
They had half a tank so about 6 or 7 litres of fuel
They had a quarter of a tank which was about 6 or 7 gallons of fuel
They had three quarters of a tank so about 6 or 7 gallons of fuel
Question 4
How many souls on board did they have?
They had only two souls on board which were both the pilots
They had only two souls on board during this flight
They had a total of two souls on board and one pilot
They had a few souls on board but they were unsure exactly
4 out of 4 correct